18 januari 2019
Zwolle (Holland)
Dear Lena,
You and your schoolkids made a nice project to see where your bear will come by hitchhiking 😊
Last Wednesday I received the bear from Therese. After a long drive through Denmark and Germany, he is in Zwolle, The Netherlands at the moment.
First he was a day at my office. Hard work for a bear... after that he relaxed with a friend he met during his journey. He is a small rabbit, called Teddie. Now he is at one off my clients, Goliath. They develop and sell family games and toys.
Next week they will have a fair in Nuremberg, Germany. I hope he can go there to meet people all over the world. Hopefully he will have just as much fun there! I hope de bear is back in time at your school with beautiful stories.
I would like to receive a message where he has been if it is possible of course. It was nice to be part of it!
Kind regards,
Martijn Boschman